Our experts
Without a doubt the best part about my job is when I meet customers and colleagues. I’m surrounded by funny and motivated colleagues every day which makes you want to go the extra mile.
Sabrina Olesen
Customer Success Manager
As Analysis Sales Manager at Retriever I enjoy providing value to our customers through knowledge and insights. My role allows me to combine my passion for data with working closely with our customers, and I love seeing the impact we make for them.
Reis Avdimetaj
Analysis Sales Manager
The best part about my job is the trust and flexibility I experience. I’m being seen as a whole person which makes it easy to find the perfect work-life balance. Our flexible work week where we work from home and the office is a huge plus for me.
Jonas Jørgensen
Account Executive
I believe that communication is an essential function in driving the organization's strategy forward. By measuring, the importance of communication can be shown through numbers to the entire organization, and communication gets the appreciation it deserves. It's a pleasure to work in a company that promotes this.
Sanna Kranjc Marketing Manager