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Join us!

Welcome to Retriever Group

Become part of the team

Our Values

  • Trustworthy

  • Dedicated

  • Innovative

Why join us?


  • With good management and teamwork, everything feels easier. I can use my team members as good examples and utilize their knowledge to develop my own skills. Weekly, I get to meet new people who are professionals in their own industry. I enjoy the opportunity for continuous learning.

  • Media analysis is one of the strongest elements in strategic and effective communication. The thing I really enjoy about this job is to help our clients to reach their short- and long-term goals based on their communication strategy. In the process I get to know inspiring people and gain valuable industry insights. 

Fun facts

Countries 📍

Team members 👩🏻‍💻

Customers 😍

We are always on the look out for skilled talent

Your qualities should include customer orientation, a strong analytical mind, self-governed efficiency, and team capabilities. We welcome team members from diverse backgrounds, are open-minded and have an accepting culture. Do you share our values, and appreciate the challenges of working in a fast growing company? Does what we do match your vision for your future? Please explore our current open positions or connect with us below, and we will let you know as soon as we have an open position you might be interested in!